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W&L Taking Cases of CooperSurgical IVF Solution Killing Embryos

Reviewed by: Ellen Relkin
February 6, 2024
Home Firm News W&L Taking Cases of CooperSurgical IVF Solution Killing Embryos

Weitz & Luxenberg is encouraging individuals harmed by CooperSurgical IVF defective embryonic solution to reach out to us. If your embryo was tainted or killed by this solution, we can help you file your CooperSurgical in vitro fertilization lawsuit.

Cases are being filed across the country against CooperSurgical for these IVF lawsuits claiming CooperSurgical’s solution for growing embryos during in vitro fertilization destroyed the embryos the plaintiffs hoped to be able to use to have children. (1)

The full scale of the potential harm is not yet known. However, these CooperSurgical lawsuit products were distributed all over the world. (2)

Recalled Embryo Product Lots

In December 2023, CooperSurgical issued a voluntary recall of this product. There were complaints this substance was tainted and killed many frozen embryos.

The company said it issued its recall to look into concerns regarding its product. It plans to investigate the situation more carefully.

Devastating News for Couples

“This is devastating news for women who underwent hormonal treatments and spent their life savings in an effort to have a child,” says Ellen Relkin, partner and chair of Weitz & Luxenberg’s defective drug and medical device practice group area. “For some, this procedure involving frozen embryos and in vitro fertilization was their last hope in being able to have children of their own.”

Ms. Relkin adds, “People trusted this company with their hope for a family. They put their life on hold to prepare for the IVF treatment. Instead, CooperSurgical’s negligence has left them feeling betrayed and traumatized. My team wants to help in any way we can.”

IVF Can Be a Long, Painful Process

Sometimes people struggling with infertility opt to try in vitro fertilization. IVF involves the manipulation of human eggs, sperm, and embryos. The goal is to implant a fertilized embryo into a woman’s womb and hope for a successful pregnancy.

None of this process is easy. A fertility doctor must surgically extract eggs from a woman. Specialized scientists must fertilize those eggs with sperm in a laboratory. They watch and hope a viable embryo begins to develop.

Sperm collection is relatively easy compared to the surgical extraction of human eggs. The process is physically draining. It involves painful injections, induced hormonal swings, ultrasound monitoring, and other treatments. The procedures are expensive, time consuming, and risky in some cases.

Plus, unlike sperm, human eggs are limited in quantity. They decrease in number and quality over time. For women over 35 years old, the risk of miscarriages and chromosomal abnormalities rises. Some women will not be able to have a later successful egg extraction and their ability to have a child has vanished.

Couples Counted on CooperSurgical IVF

CooperSurgical was responsible for providing the medium to help embryos develop and grow for these families. Instead, this medium for embryonic development was potentially not tested adequately.

Or it may not have been inspected for possible contamination. The result was the solution meant to help the embryos develop failed.

Getting Justice for IVF Couples

Ms. Relkin and our team of defective drugs and devices attorneys have dedicated themselves to helping people harmed by faulty medical products. In these cases, we are hoping to represent couples who have suffered great loss due to the negligence of CooperSurgical.

The lawsuits that already were filed claim the company’s embryonic solution was defective in design, manufacture, and storage. In addition, the CooperSurgical IVF lawsuits charge the company with failure to warn and negligence.

W&L Can Help

Weitz & Luxenberg is encouraging anyone who has been harmed by CooperSurgical’s defective embryonic solution to reach out to us for more information. More lawsuits are expected, since CooperSurgical is a large supplier of its embryonic solution nationwide.

For some couples, the process of freezing fertilized embryos was their last hope of having children. And CooperSurgical has crushed that hope.

Since the mid-1980s, Weitz & Luxenberg has dedicated itself to helping those significantly harmed by the actions of others. We have secured more than $19 billion dollars in verdicts and settlements on behalf of our clients.

We have represented women harmed by negligently designed reproductive products for decades. This include DES daughters, whose mothers were prescribed the birth defect causing diethylstilbestrol medication. It was supposed to prevent miscarriage but, instead, caused damage to the DES daughters’ reproductive capability. W&L has also represented women who suffered blood clots following the use of birth control patches and pills that contained excessive hormone levels.

We invite you to speak with one of our attorneys. We are prepared to help you explore your legal options and determine if you should file a lawsuit. You may be entitled to seek compensation for the harm you have suffered.

Reach out to us by phone at (833) 977-3437 or using our online form. We want to help you get the justice you deserve.

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