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Perry Weitz Co-Chairs Perrin Conference on Asbestos Litigation

March 6, 2024
Home Firm News Perry Weitz Co-Chairs Perrin Conference on Asbestos Litigation

Perry Weitz, co-founder of Weitz & Luxenberg, is serving as co-chair at the upcoming Perrin Conference on Asbestos Litigation. The conference is from March 12-13, 2024, at the Eden Rock Miami Beach Resort in Miami Beach, Florida.

Mr. Weitz is presenting at two events:

  • On Tuesday, March 12, from 8:45 until 9 a.m., Mr. Weitz and his fellow co-chairs are welcoming conference participants and offering opening remarks.
  • Then, on the same day, from 10 until 11 a.m., Mr. Weitz is serving as moderator at a session titled Recent Bankruptcies and the Impact on Asbestos Litigation. The session provides an update on bankruptcies and the importance of picking a jurisdiction. Featured questions include: Is the Texas 2-step dead? What are alternatives?

Perry Weitz, Trailblazer of Asbestos Litigation

Mr. Weitz has made it his mission to represent everyday Americans and advocate on their behalf. He began his career in the mid-1980s and quickly began blazing a trail to help victims of asbestos exposure and mesothelioma. He never hesitated to take on the biggest and baddest corporate offenders.

Early success marked the beginning of the Weitz & Luxenberg law firm we know today. The firm continues its efforts, growing stronger and more knowledgeable each year.

Cutting-Edge Conference Focuses on Asbestos

Weitz & Luxenberg attorneys routinely presents at Perrin Conference Asbestos Litigation conferences. Our team believes in sharing our knowledge and experience with others in the field.

“As a firm founded specifically to help those diagnosed with mesothelioma, we have dedicated ourselves to helping people harmed by asbestos exposure,” says Mr. Weitz. “Over the years, we have represented tens of thousands of clients with two primary goals.”

Mr. Weitz goes on to describe the first of our firm’s goals as doing everything we can legally to secure justice for our clients who were exposed to asbestos because their employers put profits first. He believe employers are responsible for not safeguarding employee health.

“At W&L. we know mesothelioma is preventable. It doesn’t have to happen. However, defendants chose to think about their profit margin rather than people’s lives. These companies hope they can get away with their recklessness. W&L believes in showing them that they can’t, insists Mr. Weitz.

“Holding defendants accountable for their destructive choices and policies is the key. We hope they will one day realize the harm they have caused and end their selfish practices,” Mr. Weitz adds.

Mr. Weitz emphasizes, “We have secured more than $8.5 billion in settlements and verdicts on behalf of our clients who were exposed to asbestos. And we will continue our fight until businesses no longer engage in activities that pose a threat to all Americans.”

Talcum Powder and Asbestos

Lawsuit over asbestos in talcum powder continue to move forward, with W&L devoting a special team to this litigation. Concerns about talcum powder contaminated with asbestos are continuing to rise. The concerns are particularly alarming because consumers across the country may have been exposed to contaminated talcum powder for decades.

Worse even, the contaminated products — especially baby powder — have been touted as healthy and safe for infants. In fact, many have found these products in aisles in regular groceries, pharmacies, and big box stores nationwide.

Using these products creates a fine powder or dust people can inhale. And, sadly, people continue to develop mesothelioma after using these products regularly for years.

Perrin Conferences Bring Top Legal Minds Together

This conference brings together some of the top legal minds and industry leaders across the country with the goals of:

  • Discussing the latest developments in asbestos litigation.
  • Emerging trends.
  • Rising challenges.

Participants look forward to a comprehensive agenda that covers multiple topics. This year’s conference is focusing on not only emerging trends in asbestos litigation, but also recent bankruptcies and their impact on asbestos litigation.

Presenters also provide updates on what’s happening with the lung cancer docket, discuss recent large verdicts, and consider science and medicine on genetic cancer treatments.

Perrin Conferences rely on both live and virtual learning, networking, and sharing.

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