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W&L Attorneys Share Info at Asbestos Litigation Conference

August 29, 2022
Home Firm News W&L Attorneys Share Info at Asbestos Litigation Conference

Weitz & Luxenberg co-founder Perry Weitz, along with partners Lisa Nathanson Busch and Alani Golanski, are heading to Charleston, South Carolina. They are presenting live at the Perrin National Asbestos Litigation Conference being held September 14-15, 2022, at the Charleston Place Hotel. They join other notable presenters and participants from across the country, including plaintiff and defense attorneys, in-house counsel attorneys, insurance professionals, and judges.

As with every Perrin asbestos litigation conference, prominent speakers are invited to provide the latest content dealing with litigation strategies, trends, and related subtopics. The opportunity not only to attend sessions, but also to engage with others and share knowledge, is a key component of the event’s ongoing success.

Leading W&L Attorneys Presenting

Over the two days, three of our firm’s partners are presenting on multiple asbestos litigation topics. They do this in the hope that sharing their knowledge and experience helps others in the field better serve their own clients.

The Future of Talc Litigation

On Wednesday, September 14, from 2:45 until 3:30 p.m., Mr. Golanski speaks on The Future of Talc Litigation. This topic is particularly current and concerning since manufacturers of talcum products contaminated with asbestos have been outed.

Major manufacturers have been concealing a potentially deadly secret from consumers for decades. There is asbestos in talcum powder.

People are developing ovarian cancer and mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos-contaminated talcum powder. These are products their manufacturers touted as safe and healthy for years.

As a result, talc asbestos litigation is taking off. Mr. Golanski addresses topics such as these about talc litigation:

  • Techniques for testing and causation.
  • Major appellate rulings in 2022 and the impact going forward.

The State of the Bankruptcy Trusts

On Thursday, September 15, from 11:15 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., Ms. Busch focuses on The State of the Bankruptcy Trusts. As we continue to make our way out of pandemic shut-downs, quarantines, and legal obstacles, asbestos litigation is picking up speed on many fronts.

Ms. Busch addresses multiple ongoing and developing topics in bankruptcy including:

  • Review of significant bankruptcy trust filings.
  • Texas two-step and pending legislation.
  • What does talc litigation look like now that J&J is out of the tort system?

The Judicial Roundtable

On the same day from 3:45 until 4:45 p.m., Mr. Weitz participates in The Judicial Roundtable: Q&A Segments with Judges from Key Jurisdictions. In this session, Part I: New York, esteemed panelists speak to the enormous challenges the pandemic has posed on all of us, not the least of which has involved our court systems.

In these unprecedented times, panelists provide insight into the sometimes seemingly Herculean efforts we have all had to take to navigate the litigation challenges of today. They discuss these issues, among other related topics:

  • The use of electronic filing programs to keep dockets running more efficiently.
  • Zoom general motion dockets.
  • How can we improve efficacy of mediations?
  • Mandatory settlement conferences or mediation by agreement.

Weitz Is an Asbestos Litigator Frontrunner

Weitz & Luxenberg co-founder, Mr. Weitz has been a frontrunner in asbestos litigation since our firm was founded for that purpose in the mid-1980s. For almost four decades, he has focused his attention on representing clients who developed mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure.

Overall, W&L has achieved more than $19 billion on behalf of our clients. Mr. Weitz alone is responsible for securing more than $7 billion. Personally, he has secured more than a half-billion dollars on behalf of victims of asbestos exposure.

Today, thanks to the efforts of Mr. Weitz and co-founder Arthur Luxenberg, W&L stands among the biggest names nationally when it comes to personal injury, mass tort litigation. Our firm offers clients the expertise of more than 500 attorneys, paralegals, and support staff.

Busch Manages Asbestos Bankruptcy

Since the early 1990s, Ms. Busch has been managing our firm’s Asbestos Bankruptcy Department. She is also responsible for overseeing each and every new asbestos exposure case our firm accepts. In her role, she is continually participating to protect the creditors and plaintiffs in the complex bankruptcy litigation and trusts.

Golanski Leads Appellate Unit

Since 2008, Mr. Golanski has been directing our firm’s appellate litigation unit. His primary focus has been on asbestos cancer cases and toxic environmental tort litigation. Mr. Golanski has helped shape the New York high court’s view, particularly in terms of the state’s statute of limitations regarding product liability litigation.

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